In demonstration of First Interstate’s commitment to our communities, the Bank will donate $1 million to Special Olympics Montana. Partnering with the Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation, our gifts total $2.75 million.
“In partnership with the Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation, the First Interstate BancSystem Foundation decided to step up and secure the future of an organization that we deeply care about by making a $1 million donation to the endowment,” said First Interstate President and CEO Kevin Riley. “As a premier sponsor of SOMT and the State Summer Games for many years, we’ve seen firsthand how the mission transforms the lives of the athletes, their families, and our employees.”
Donations to the Reveal the Champion in All of Us Endowment Campaign will be held and protected in perpetuity, while earnings will help fuel sustainable, quality local and area programs, statewide operations, and organizational growth for years to come.
“This donation is a tribute to all our employees, to the Scott family, and in memory of Tom Scott who served as the endowment campaign’s honorary chairman before he passed away in 2020, and Randy Scott who served on the endowment leadership council until he passed away in 2019,” Riley said. “Tom and Randy recognized early on that when we lift up each other, everyone wins.”
Special Olympics Montana is exemplary when it comes to lifting each other up. Their mission to provide athletic training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities provides them opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and grow in relationship with families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.
There are more than 3,500 Special Olympics athletes registered in 121 programs from 65 Montana communities. More than 5,000 Montana volunteers help organize and host local, area and state level competitions. SOMT is accredited by Special Olympics, Inc. and headquartered Great Falls, Montana.
First Interstate and the Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation also sought to encourage community giving by earmarking $250,000 of the current gift as a Kevin Washington Challenge grant.
“On behalf of more than 3,500 Special Olympics Montana athletes served annually, I want to express our deep gratitude for these incredibly generous gifts that will ensure a strong finish to our $10 million endowment campaign,” Campaign Executive Director Bob Norbie said.
Donate online to help Special Olympics Montana and achieve its $10 million goal by June 30.